Harikatha: Samartha Ramdas' Contribution to the Art of Spiritual Story-telling
₹ 250.00
Author: I.P. Meera Grimes
Summary: The greatness of Harikatha lies in the fact that it provides one of the easiest, if not the easient path to attaining lasting happiness and peace. Not only does a katha please its listener, as other fine arts do, but it also comforts the mind and elevates the soul of the listener. Thus, as it entertains, it enlightens.
Description: Harikatha (lit. stories of the Lord) is the exposition of a religious theme, usually the life of a saint or a story from one of India's scriptural texts. Its purpose is to spread devotion to to the Divine. Harikatha is a composite art containing story-telling, poetry, music, drama, dance, and philosophy. Any story about God or about saints, who are the living exemplars for the existence of God, is an appropriate subject matter for Harikatha.