The Crisis of the Modern World
₹ 325.00
Author: Renè Guènon
In the first half of the 20th century, a French man, Renè Guènon (1886-1951), struck the conscience of the Western world by reminding it about the spiritual knowledge that wasat the heart of all traditional civilizations but that the modern West had completely lost sight of. A profound knower of Hindu, Islamic, Taoist and other traditions, Guènon expounded,in a similar way as Coomaraswamy with whom he regularly corresponded, the traditional metaphysics which give aunity beyond the forms to the apparently different traditionsof mankind. In The Crisis of the Modern World, published forthe first time in 1927, he writes a relentless and radical criticismof the modern world, revealing its shallowness when confronted with the traditional civilizations. Almost eighty years later, his words are still fully valid, and applicable to a large extent to the India of today, which is in danger of being submerged by a strong flow of modern ways and conceptions.