Sarnath, Varanasi and Kausambi : A Pilgrim's Guide Book
₹ 125.00
Author: Suresh Bhatia
This comprehensive and illustrated Guide Book deals withthree Buddhist places: Sarnath, Varanasi and Kausambi. Its main focus, however, is Sarnath, the place where the Buddha turned the wheel of dharma:.The author explains in simple language the Four Noble Truths of Buddhism expounded in Sarnath for the first time,the significance of sacred sites , the history of the Buddhist kings and the records of the Chinese pilgrims, all of which conform the history of Sarnath. He describes the main archaeological sites, monuments and temples of Sarnath.He then presents a picture of Varanasi and its ancient Buddhist heritage, and lastly makes a case for the rediscovery of Kausambi with its practically forgotten Buddhist heritage.Other information of interest is also included.